Monday, July 6, 2015

Uprooted: Naomi Novik preview

I have been so busy lately with the holiday and some other things I have not really made a good amount of time to read and I have a ton of review books to get through.

The one that topped my list was Uprooted by Naomi Novik.

First off lets talk about the UK vs USA cover. I actually didn't mind the USA version until I saw just how gorgeous the UK cover was. Since I received this book for review as an E-ARC I actually received the digital UK version so I do get to see that pretty cover.

I am about 20% into the story so far and am loving it. 

Basically what I have gathered so far is that the story takes place in a small village where every 10 years a man called "Dragon" takes a different woman from a small village and keeps her for 10 years, lets her free, and then chooses another. The entire village assumed a specific girl would be chosen for her beauty and wit and had basically been training her to be prepared and the a turn of events turns the town upside down and then we start from there.

So far there are princes, chimera, magic, and all sorts of things just waiting around every corner of the tall tower and I can't wait to get more into it.

I will admit that currently I am not really connected to the main female protagonist or the Dragon but hopefully that will change as I get more connected to the story.

Has anyone read this? What did you think? I definitely think it could be something amazing. 

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