Friday, February 19, 2016

Friday Reads: 02/19/2016

Friday Reads

Well, another week has come and gone and we are headed into the weekend.

I am headed on a little road trip to the great state of Oklahoma to visit my family and haven't successfully finished a book all week (I know, I know) so I thought I would fill everyone in on what I have been reading. Just in case anyone is interested.

First, I have really made some progress on The Thief by Megan Whalen Turner. This is a short YA fantasy novel about a thief having to steal a stone of immortality. 

It was first publisher in the late 90's but saw it on for like .99 or 1.99 for the ebook and had heard good things so I am giving it a try. Currently I am about 60% complete but it is a fairly slow day at work so I might try to attack the last 40% this afternoon.

I began my week reading, I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith. I have heard great things about this and heard it was a more modern day Pride and Prejudice (which I have still never read) so I thought I would give it a try. I am about 80 pages in and am really loving it so far. 

The narrator is a young girl who is witty and naive and it is a lot of fun with some great elements of family dynamics up to this point. Hopefully it continues to be a fun read.

I have also been working on an audio book for way longer than I would like to admit.

I usually try to wrap an audio book up every week to two weeks but this one I took a break from as it was a little bit of information overload at the beginning but once you get to the second half it really picks up and it is actually pretty awesome. I am really enjoying this.

I love the time line and the god complex of our villain. Very entertaining and I only have about 2 hrs left so hopefully if not this weekend then the first of next week. 

Last and most important, Calamity by Brandon Sanderson came out this week!!!

I have loved The Reckoners series from the beginning and am excited to wrap up this trilogy. These are the only Sanderson books I have ever read but I love them and plan to start the Mistborn series sometime this year.

This series of books are about a catastrophic event that leads to a percentage of the earths population developing super powers and most of these people who receive these gifts decide to use them for personal gain as opposed to helping people.

Fun twist with a great, incredibly quirky main character whose father died at the hand of one of these super humans who are called Epics.

Light romance, lots of action, and such great writing and characterization that I put everything else aside this week and focused on this. However, I have been incredibly busy this week and haven't made the dent I had wanted to on this so it will be my road trip book. 

I need to finish it soon because my husband also wants to read it and we kind fought over who got to read it first so I want to get done quickly so he doesn't have to wait too long. 

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