Monday, March 21, 2016

Top 5 Wednesday: Top 5 Fictional Items I want

***Disclaimer: I was going to post this last Wednesday but forgot.***

For anyone who is reading this and isn't aware what "Top 5 Wednesday" is a weekly special created by Gingerreadslainey on "Booktube" aka youtube.

I have always loved watching peoples videos on the subject and decided it was time to get in on the action.

This week there is an interesting topic and it actually took me a little while to decide what I wanted to include but I think I have narrowed it down.

Top 5 Fictional Items I Want:

1. Time-Turner: This is a device found in the Harry Potter series that allows for it's wearer to go back in time to essentially be in two places at once.

Who hasn't had a busy day where they have needed to get more things done then they had time for. Honestly, I would probably end up using the time to relax or read but it would definitely come in handy some days.

2. Firebird: This is the device from "A Thousand Pieces of You" by Claudia Gray that allows its wearer to travel across dimensions. 

Basically this series subscribes to the theory of the 'multiverse' and that there are an infinite number of planes of existence where your life is completely different based on a choices you make and I would love to be able to see what each idea lead to. (Apparently I have a thing for time travel)

3. Tensors: I don't want to spoil anything about how the Tensors really work but the idea of them is so cool. These were introduced by Brandon Sanderson in his Reckoners series. They basically are able to allow the user to go through steel or other solids with a pulse from the tensors which are basically gloves.

How great would it be to be able to destroy anything blocking your path. Or what I always think of is things like gardening where I have to dig dozens of holes or large pieces of solid trash. Wouldn't it be nice to turn it into dust instead of tossing it in a landfill? I sure think so.

4. Lying Cat: I know Lying Cat isn't a fictional object but it is a fictional animal from the Saga Series by Brian K. Vaughn. Definitely one of my favorite things about the series. I love cats and I love how loyal and truthful Lying Cat is throughout the comics. He would definitely come in handy.

5. Eat Me/Drink Me: The food/drinks in Carol's Alice in Wonderland that allow for Alice to both shrink and grow when it suits the situation.

I know there has been plenty of times where I wish I was bigger than I was (hello top shelf) and smaller than I am to get out of tricky situations or even to explore things from a new perspective. 

Overall, there are so many objects that come to mind and it is hard to put yourself in the shoes of the authors whose imaginations thought these things up let alone the objects be a part of reality but it would be pretty amazing.

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